Asking before Borrowing


Cartoon by and used here with Creative Commons license.

Make sure you have had you’re article approved through your email. When you’re article is approved there is a bibliography record due for February 27th.When approved you use the CRAAP test blog outline to create the template with the hanging indent. It is recommended to do it on Google Drive so you can have the information on hand always when you log. You must use you’re gmail and not the sagrado email.


«an act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization and the representation of that author’s work as one’s own, as by not crediting the original author» Definition

You can cite information directly when it is exactly what you want to put in you’re document. Depending the style you use your quotations there are different styles you can use for example APA and MLA format. Some can be limited changes in 2-3 words in the sentences. Go to this link and click on plagiarism 101 then you click on what is Plagiarism? You can read through for some more information about Plagiarism and how you can avoid doing it yourself and it gives you some alternatives and advice on how not to Plagiarize.

You can use creative commons to use other people’s images because those images are authorized for you to use freely with the authors permission. So for a musical play for example Beauty and the Beast you must give credit to Disney or get permission from Disney in order to do the musical and so you don’t say it is your own play you created yourself. If you apply to graduate at a university and they find that you have Plagiarize they have the right to decline you to graduate or not even be in the college/university. You can get in big trouble if you Plagiarize in you’re work place or out in public or even schooling so make sure you do not Plagiarize and get permission or credit to the original owner or author or author’s.

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